yaesu ft-60 italian repeater list

This list for Yaesu ft-60 was created from the italian repeater list mantained by IK2ANE (http://www.ik2ane.it). The update time is 17/09/2011. It was made for ft-60 commander, but I I made it for my personal use so it’s a little raw.

Before going on please read the usual DISCLAIMER and the notes below:
Credits go to Ik2ANE. Errors are probably mine, as I had to modify by hand some things, especially with non-standard shifts.  For this reason I don’t give any implicit guarantee of fitness  or correctness regarding the data contained in the file.  Double checking the file with the latest version from IK2ANE for any errors would be desirable. There are other parameters apart from tag, frequency, shift. Those parameters may affect the  ft-60 operation. Double-checking them before uploading to the transceiver is necessary.  Errors in frequencies, shift or tones may affect  rig operation.  Double checking them before uploading to the ft-60 is advisable.  As uploading may wipe present preset and memories, back-upping the ft-60 before uploading is also a good idea and may prevent loss of data.  I usually use ft-60 commander or ft-6o backup utility by KC8UNj  before any uploading.

I missed three 50mhz repeaters. Ft-60 commander will recognize the wrong frequency and avoid uploading them. Removing them could be and idea. Also organizing frequency in banks in a more clever way could be a start. File is in .doc because WordPress.com doesn’t like .csv or .txt. I suppose that a cut&paste into a notepad and saving in .csv should work just fine.

Ft60 repeater list in doc ‘maybe suitable’ for ft-60 commander.